Перегляд зібрання за групою - Теми
- reinforced ellipsoidal shells, explicit finite-difference schemes, stability of difference schemes 1
- research, fuel, diesel, ecology, profitability 1
- road surface, deformation, destruction, car, atmospheric conditions. 1
- road, pavement, moisture, destruction, car, periods of the year. 1
- root crops, hopper, chopper knife, diameter, rotation frequency, power, productivity. 1
- safe working conditions, worker, economic costs, manager, profit 1
- scattering surface, torso, coordinate system, triangle of Frenet, algebraic curve 1
- science, technology, information, scientific and technological revolution, technology, documentation, ecology. 1
- scraper installation, manure removal, structural parameters, energy intensity. 1
- separation, root crops, sugar beets, palm tree, costs 1
- shredding, feed, green mass, hay, silo, performance, construction, working organs 1
- shredding, feed, green mass, hay, silo, performance, construction, working organs. 1
- soil, compaction, processing, construction, tires, tractor, productivity. 1
- Soil, tillage, combined unit, structure, technological operation, working body, suspension. 1
- sowing, exact, seeds, seeder, yield. 1
- spitting, steaming, cleaning, grain, mixtures, humidity, pressure, heat treatment 1
- sprayer, rod, oscillations, research, work resource. 1
- stem fodder, chopper, cutting device, research, economic efficiency. 1
- sugar beets, root crops, root cropping machine, crop rotational bodies, one-disk spherical digger. 1
- sun, heat, concentrator, research, modeling, efficiency. 1